Rachel Adams

Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Nebraska, USA
Chief Curator, Director of Programs

Rachel Adams is chief curator and director of programs at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Nebraska, USA. Prior to this, she served as senior curator at UB Art Galleries, Curator-in-Residence at Disjecta Contemporary Art Center and Associate Curator at Arthouse at the Jones Center (now The Contemporary Austin). Her varied areas of interest focus on creating meaningful connections for artists. Exhibitions tend to highlight singular artistic practices as well as group thematic exhibitions relating to current social or political issues through different artistic mediums, including installation, painting, ceramics and sculpture, sound, performance, video and new media practices.

Past curated exhibitions include All Together, Amongst Many: Reflections on Empathy, Paul Mpagi Sepuya: Drop Scene, Claudia Wieser: Generations (co-curated), Alison O’Daniel: Heavy Air, Jillian Mayer: TIMESHARE, The Language of Objects, Wanderlust: Actions, Traces, Journeys 1967-2017 and Introducing Tony Conrad: A Retrospective (co-curated).

Forthcoming projects include exhibitions with Paul Stephen Benjamin, Miatta Kawinzi and the group exhibition From the Great Lakes to the Great Plains: The Visible Current of Climate Change

Rachel Adams visited Vienna on a research trip in November 2023.

Rachel Adams. Photo: courtesy of the curator


Eduardo Andres Alfonso


Philippe Pirotte