Parastu Gharabaghi

Cordova, Barcelona
1 March – 1 June 2024

For her first solo exhibition in Spain, Parastu Gharabaghi was invited by Cordova to create an immersive installation exploring the ideas of vacation and consumerism, in particular exploring the notions of hostels.

For the exhibition titled Dare2b B&B the artist drew inspiration from the distinctive architecture of hostels, which prioritize human interaction in their design. With a focus on fostering social connections, the show explored how architectural elements shape communal spaces and encourage meaningful interactions among guests.

In Dare2b B&B, Gharabaghi presented an immersive installation inspired by the communal areas of hostels. While individuals can experience the exhibition alone, it's intentionally designed to spark authentic, sometimes awkward, social exchanges reminiscent of those found in shared travel accommodations.

Parastu Gharabaghi (born 1987 in Vienna) studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna under Ashley Hans Scheirl and Julian Göthe, and at the Slade School of Fine Art in London. Her works have been exhibited at Area Manca, Zurich; Alienze art space, Vienna; Neue Alte Brücke, Frankfurt am Main; Kevin Space, Vienna; Egret Egress, Toronto, among others. 

This is Parastu Gharabaghi’s first collaboration with Phileas.


Soshiro Matsubara


Michael Höpfner