Ines Doujak
Temporary Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Art Cologne, Germany
30 September - 17 December 2023
Performance art and political protest have several things in common. They take place before an audience, and arguably need that audience to fulfil their purpose. They aim to disrupt the viewer’s daily life, to provoke reflection and, ideally, a change in attitude. They both require the protagonist's own physical presence and are therefore reliant on the body. And yet, a social distinction is often made between art and protest. In Austria, for example, the Versammlungsgesetz (Assembly Act) stipulates that political protests must be registered at least 48 hours in advance. No such notice is required of a public performance. Where is the line, then, between political protest and art?
This is one of several questions explored in Ines Doujak’s exhibition at the Temporary Gallery in Cologne, co-produced by Phileas. Exploring issues of climate justice and climate activism, the exhibition features a performance taking place on October 28th during which a procession of flag bearers, an oversized ant, four costumed performers and various sculptures will travel through the city of Cologne. Live music will accompany the procession, during which leaflets explaining the relationship between Doujak’s exhibition and climate justice will be distributed to the city’s inhabitants. T-shirts designed by the artist will be available to buy, the profits of which will benefit the Latin American climate activists that are profiled in the exhibition.
Ines Doujak (born 1959 in Klagenfurt, Austria) is a multidisciplinary artist, whose practice encompasses photography, performance, film and installation. She applies political theory to natural and human-made objects as a means to deconstruct contemporary sexist and racist stereotypes. She has had major solo exhibitions at Kunsthalle Wien, Salzburger Kunstverein and the Secession, Vienna, and has also participated at documenta 12, Kassel, and the Bienal de São Paulo.
This is her third collaboration with Phileas, following her participations at the 11th Liverpool Biennial (2021) and the 4th Dhaka Art Summit (2018).