A conversation about fundraising in the arts with Leslie Ramos
Josephinum, Währingerstraße 25, 1090 Vienna
Wednesday 5 June at 6.30pm
On 5 June, we will welcome author and strategist Leslie Ramos to Vienna for an evening conversation with Phileas director Jasper Sharp about the opportunities and obstacles in the field of arts philanthropy, and ways in which organizations can adapt their fundraising strategies in a changing landscape.
Leslie Ramos is a philanthropy and strategy advisor specialized within the arts and cultural sectors. She is the co-founder of The Twentieth, an international arts philanthropy agency that provides independent expertise around giving, fundraising, collecting, and engaging with the arts ecosystem. Alongside her professional work, Ramos supports and holds voluntary positions in multiple arts non-profits and contributes to various international arts media outlets and universities, commenting and lecturing on philanthropy and museum studies. She recently published her book Philanthropy in the Arts: A Game of Give and Take.
Attendance is limited. Email rsvp@phileas.art to register.