Katrin Hornek

ar/ge kunst, Italy
26 November 2021 – 12 February 2022

ar/ge kunst and BAU invited artist Katrin Hornek to collaborate on a residency program that combined the ar/ge kunst ‘One Year-Long Research Project’ and the BAU Residency - both institutional programmes that invite artists and researchers to investigate the region of South Tyrol. As part of the residency, ar/ge, an art space founded in Bolzano, Italy, in1985, presented a solo exhibition of Katrin Hornek’s work. The new commission developed the artist’s ongoing investigations into the relationship between the earthly and human body. Hornek’s research focused on the local history of the village of Sinigo and its production of ammonia, initiated by Benito Mussolini as part of his industrialisation of South Tyrol in the broader context of ‘Italianisation’ that transplanted thousands of people from the South of Italy.

Katrin Hornek (b. 1983, Austria) lives and works in Vienna. She has presented her work at the Riga Biennial; Kunsthalle Wien; Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton; Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, Oregon; and Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Vienna. Hornek was awarded the Otto Mauer Prize in 2021.


Maria Lassnig


Paul Renner and Richard Hoeck