Christian Eisenberger

Kunsthalle Gießen, Germany
16 October – 31 December 2020

For his first solo exhibition in Germany, Christian Eisenberger was invited to develop an installation at Kunsthalle Gießen. Taking Land Art as a starting point, Eisenberger’s installation sought to reinterpret the art movement that emerged in the USA in the 1960s, which was characterised by an explicitly socio-critical component that counteracted the increasing consumerism of works of art. The installation was co-produced by Phileas.

Christian Eisenberger (b. 1978) studied under Brigitte Kowanz at the Universität für angewandte Kunst in Vienna and lives and works in Vienna. His work has been exhibited at Staatlichen Kunsthalle Baden-Baden; Museum Tinguely, Basel; mumok, Vienna; Kunsthalle Wien, and Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna.


Philipp Timischl


Ulrike Müller