Talk with Philipp Fleischmann, Sophie Thun and Katrin Hornek

Filmquartier, Vienna
16 September 2021

In September 2021, Phileas hosted a public talk with artists Philipp Fleischmann, Sophie Thun and Katrin Hornek to learn about their recent, ongoing and future projects co-produced by Phileas.

Katrin Hornek discussed her year-long residency project for ar/ge kunst in Bolzano, Italy, for which she produced a series of new film and sculptural works based on research into the village of Sinigo and its historical production of ammonia.

At the invitation of Kim? Contemporary Art Center in Riga, Latvia, Sophie Thun worked with the extensive archive of Latvian photographer Zenta Dzividzinska (1944-2011) to produce an exhibition titled I Don’t Remember a Thing: Entering the Elusive Estate of ZDZ, which reconsidered the work of this overlooked artist through Thun’s own practice as a contemporary female photographer.

For the 34th Bienal de São Paulo, Philipp Fleischmann was commissioned to produce a new 35mm film shot within the Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion. The building, designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer, has been the headquarters of the Bienal de São Paulo since 1957. Those present were able to preview Fleischmann’s film, which traces the monumental 30,000 square metre pavilion with hand-made cameras.


Talk with Cecilia Alemani