Talk with Till Fellrath and Sam Bardaouil

Garden of Volkskundemuseum, Vienna
15 June 2021

In June 2021, Phileas hosted a public talk with Till Fellrath and Sam Bardaouil, Curators of the 16th Biennnale de Lyon, which took place in September 2022. Fellrath and Bardaouil talked about their preparations, the venues that they intend to use, the specific curatorial approach that they are taking and the future of biennials.

Till Fellrath and Sam Bardaouil are the founders of the multidisciplinary curatorial platform ‘artReoriented’, which aims to rethink traditional models of cultural engagement, focusing on inclusivity from both artistic and institutional practices.  In their projects, they often seek on dissolving rigid labels of geography, period and style.  Over the last decade, they have curated exhibitions and collaborated with more than 70 institutions worldwide. They were curators for the national pavilions of Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates at La Biennale di Venezia in 2013 and 2019. In 2022, they will also curate the French pavilion at the 59th La Biennale di Venezia.

Till Fellrath, Sam Bardaouil, Curators 16th Biennale de Lyon. Photo: Pablo Salgado


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