From dawn to dusk: An all-day musical performance by Lukas Lauermann

Phileas, Opernring 17, Vienna
Thursday, 25 May 2023

Lukas Lauermann is among the most acclaimed cellists and composers in Austria, and already well-versed in creative collaborations with visual artists. For this occasion, he developed a new composition in dialogue with the work of artist John Gerrard, which extended over the course of an entire day from sunrise to sunset.

The multifaceted musical work of Lukas Lauermann (born 1985 in Vienna) is characterised by experimentation and open-mindedness. Among the artists with whom he has worked are Alicia Edelweiss, Donauwellenreiter, Soap&Skin, Wanda, André Heller, Gelitin, Saint Genet, Claudia Bauer, Robert Schabus and many others. He received a classical music education at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna and the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz.

The public programme accompanying John Gerrard’s exhibition is kindly supported by Stadt Wien | Kultur.


Opening of Friedl Kubelka vom Gröller Songs of Experience


Leaves workshop